MGO Practice Resources

MGO PRACTICE RESOURCES INC. (MGO PR) is a practice management consulting company that was launched by The Medical Group of Ohio in 2003. MGO PR focuses on services that optimize revenue for the physician’s practice by offering full-service practice management solutions through a wide range of technology and administrative resources. The complete line of products and services can be customized for any practice size, and is available to both MGO physicians and non MGO physicians. 
MGO PR is committed to providing the level of service and value expected by MGO physicians and has established strategic relationships with carefully selected preferred partners. Through these partnerships MGO PR assures that MGO physicians have access to competitive pricing and excellent service. 

Practice Management Resources include:

To learn more about MGO PR or to set up an appointment with your Practice Resource Consultant, please click here.

A Testimonial

"MGO PR has assisted our practice in maintaining proper coding, appropriate reimbursement, and keeping abreast of current billing procedures. Their input has become an effective tool when communicating with Insurance payers.

MGO PR continues to send current updates to our office manager regarding changes in rulings, compliance, and medical billing management. It is with high regards I recommend MGO PR to be a part of your practice."

A.B. Costin, D.O.
T.E. Darrah, D.O.
S.Z. Costin, D.O.
Costin Family Practice

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